Our new Peter Lik limited edition piece just came in today and man is it a beauty! At 2m long it’s gonna looking STUNNING on our bedroom wall.
Peter Lik, he does some AMAZING landscape photography. Shilpi and I now have 5 Peter Lik pieces so far, 4 limited edition and 1 artist proof (still in the mail).
Anyways I got a some really KILLER insights to share with you today. If you’ve ever wondered when you’re gonna hit that point where you finally “make it”, and how to MAKE SURE you hit that tipping point and hit it FAST, then watch this video right now….
I’m at the point where I’m making $200/day.
I can feel the tipping point right around the corner. It’s not easy to keep plugging away, but you’re right – it’s all about perseverance. I’ve been going through campaign after campaign, with no results on any of my new campaigns…but I’m determined to hit the next big campaign and push my earnings way over the tipping point.
Awesome video Amit!
Great video Amit!! SOOO motivational and inspiring!! I know that if I keep pushing and pushing and ignore the naysayers, I WILL make it in this business!!
What kind of offline stuff have you done? I haven’t heard you mention that before
Hey Amit:
Another one GREAT video….
Very Motivating and inspiring points. If it took someone as genuis as you six month to figure your tipping point,, then normal people like us should not feel so bad then, knowing that persistence is the key, and finally that fog will clear from in front of our eyes and stop blinding us by small failures…It’s gotta be by one or two or three more campaigns…
God Bless
Man, I am so climbing that red hill right now… but I am going to remain persistent like you said. I’ve had mini successes but haven’t been able to sustain anything yet but it doesn’t matter because eventually I will… Great video Amit… It’s very inspiring.
Can you make a few videos with some greater detail as to the actual process involved?
What is it just trying different products till one stuck? or was it something about your landing pages? Was there one thing you started doing that started to pay off or was it a variation of everything….? How many campaings where you launching, which networks? Digital products or leads? etc etc… these are the questions I would love for you to answer
Either way, great video!
Great video Amit. We are online around the clock pushing forward, enjoying every minute, We believe we are on the cusp of reaching the tipping point. Failing is not an option, and we will remain consistent and persistent, so we can control our own destiny. Thanks for the continued motivation.
Regarding Peter Lik, we have been in his gallery down on Lincoln Rd. in Miami. My 67 year old mother was interested in the most beautiful image there and when she heard the 75k price she didn’t keep her game face on as if she belonged. It was pretty funny.
I was so blown away by his collections that he is now on the vision board. I walked from The National Hotel to the gallery 3 times in 3 days just to feel the ambience. Our first one will be on the hitlist soon enough!
Have a great 4th.
Great piece, Amit! It reminds me of a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that I like a lot:
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
Have a great 4th!
Thanks for the inspiration!
great video.
” when I was struggling, nothing seemed to work, REAL GROWTH occurred inside.”. Beautifully said.
stay persistent and stay until you hit tipping point?
How do we know, we are at the Tipping point?
Thanks. Enjoying this blog very much.
Thanks Amit
Guess it’s all about stepping out of the comfort zone … and staying there a while.
I’m still on the uphill part, but looking forward to view at the tipping point!