I’m experimenting with something that I call a brain vacation – I just made that term up , not sure if it exists already!
My wife recently stopped reading the news and she felt weird at first , but then after about a week she felt GREAT!
She told me about it a couple months ago and I blew it off. With the new year coming I thought I give it a try.
So far I haven’t read the news for about 10 days, and yes, at first I felt weird. But now I felt really good – hard to explain until you try it yourself.
Will I do this forever? Probably not.
The lesson here is that we’re being assaulted with some much information, most of it negative on a daily basis, it probably a good idea to take a break now and then, and give your brain a vacation!
If you’re gonna do this. I wouldn’t just cut out the news. I would limit any source where you’re being bombarded with stuff that’s negative. That could be TV, facebook, or twitter, depending on what you’re watching and reading.