Secret of Financial Risk Management: Key to Building Long Term Wealth
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Shilpi and I are headed to Acadia National Park up in Maine this weekend. We need a little vacation from city life and this is a perfect time to do it (except it’s a BIT cold right now!)
I decided to do a second video on risk management because it’s so freakin’ important that you get this right.
Here’s what you need to understand: there’s a BIG difference between making money and KEEPING it.
Disclaimer: I’m NOT a licensed financial advisor or attorney, seek professional advice before doing anything.
Watch this video now, comment and tell me what you think…

Critical Skill You MUST have to Get Rich
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A lot of people DREAD learning this specific skill. But it’s a skill you ABSOLUTELY MUST MASTER, if you want to get rich. All is revealed in the video below….comment and tell me what you think.

Internet Lifestyle: 9 Days in Maui, Hawaii
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Just finished the second day at Russel Brunson’s mastermind at Pirate’s Cove and Nevada and I gotta tell you it’s worth getting rich JUST so you can stay at a place like this and hang out with the AMAZING people I’ve gotten a chance to know in the last 2 days. I feel like I’m […]

Why You Need to Just Say “No”!
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Aloha from Maui Hawaii! Shilpi and I are having an INCREDIBLE time. Yesterday we went on a helicopter cruise over Maui and a neighboring island. Today we went snorkeling and had a chance to swim with sea turtles. VERY cool. Anyway I’m on vacation so I gotta run in a sec. Here’s the first video […]

Getting Your Online Business Started Right
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Shilpi and I went to a 4th of July Barbeque party on Saturday and went on a REALLY cool Egyptian Tomb adventure on Sunday. Anyway, Albie my executive assistant is about to come over to take us to meet our lawyer to finalize our trust, so lemme make this quick… I was REALLY glad to […]