Getting Your Online Business Started Right
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Shilpi and I went to a 4th of July Barbeque party on Saturday and went on a REALLY cool Egyptian Tomb adventure on Sunday. Anyway, Albie my executive assistant is about to come over to take us to meet our lawyer to finalize our trust, so lemme make this quick… I was REALLY glad to […]

How to Hit the Tipping Point to Online Riches
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Our new Peter Lik limited edition piece just came in today and man is it a beauty! At 2m long it’s gonna looking STUNNING on our bedroom wall. Peter Lik, he does some AMAZING landscape photography. Shilpi and I now have 5 Peter Lik pieces so far, 4 limited edition and 1 artist proof (still […]

Why You Need to Follow These Success Rituals
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I’m sitting in the Continental Presidential Lounge with Shilpi as I’m writing this. We’re flying back to Houston after spending 5 days with our in laws, attending a wedding and meeting up with friends. I won’t call it a “vacation” because when you’re free you don’t take vacations, you just live life in different locations! […]