I’m sitting in the Continental Presidential Lounge with Shilpi as I’m writing this.
We’re flying back to Houston after spending 5 days with our in laws, attending a wedding and meeting up with friends.
I won’t call it a “vacation” because when you’re free you don’t take vacations, you just live life in different locations! 
So what do I mean by “Success Rituals”?
They’re some things I do everyday (well ALMOST everyday), that has helped me:
- Dramatically improve my energy levels
Sharpen my mental focus and mental concentration
- Give me a HUGE boost of motivation
- Improve my creativity – I’m coming up with new ideas like never before!
- And as a result of all of the above, has skyrocketed my productivity and income.
So What EXACTLY I’m I doing that gives me such an incredible edge?
Listen up…
- We wake up between 6:30am-7am, bright and early (also go to bed by 10-10:30pm)
- Start by eating a healthy breakfast. Usually a combination of : cereal, fruit, eggs and toast.
- After that we do 1 hour of meditation
- Then Shilpi and I will eat a little snack and will either train with our personal trainer. If we’re not doing that we will go play squash.
After ALL that I start the day.
Eating right, meditating, and getting off your butt and exercising will not only dramatically improve your physical, mental energy levels, it will also help purge negative emotions.
Did I mentions that it’s REALLY good for your health as well?
Btw, I got the idea of “Success Rituals” from Eben Pagan, he has some KILLER ideas on how to improve your productivity and get more done.
What Success Rituals are YOU following?