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Profit Swami Tactics & Strategies from a Self-Made Millionaire & Online Entreprenuer

Why Better Health Equal More Money

staying healthy and strong means more business profitsYeah working at home is NICE! Butt sitting on your butt all day can have it’s downsides.

After being full time in my business for about a year I notice:

  1. My energy levels began to decline.
  2. I was getting sick more. Fact is if you have less exposure to people (I was sitting at home after all) your immunity will go down. I got a 105 fever aftering coming back from the Affiliate Summit in Vegas back in ’07. I thought I was gonna die!
  3. I got hit with allergies, with SUCKED the energy out of me like you won’t believe.
  4. I started gaining weight.

Did this take a toll on my business? You better believe it did.

My motivation and energy levels had dropped, I was sleeping 10 hrs a day and sluggish when I did work. I know had to do something to change things fast.

I started training at the gym with a personal trainer and doing cardio on top of that several time a week.

Best decision I ever made. I started feeling better emotionally, my energy levels SHOT up, I started sleeping less and getting WAY more done.

I know a lot of you are burning the mid night oil to get your business going, but whatever you do DON’T NEGLECT your health. Spend 3-4 hrs a week at the gym and don’t think of it as time away from your business because you will get 3 time MORE done with what time you have left.

Trust me on this.

Forget about ALL the other benefits of going to the gym and eating right, just think about what it will do for your business and your bottom line – that should be motivation enough.

And when you make enough money hire a personal trainer, they’ll work you harder than you’d ever dream of working yourself. Like I told my personal trainer during my workout today “I would NEVER torture myself like this!”

LOL – that’s what I’m paying him for, to give me a damn good workout!

Now if you’re super motivated about your health than great, this post doesn’t apply to you. But for the rest of us: get off your butt and get into shape, because it will help you make WAY more money and grow your business that much FASTER.

Who are You REALLY Finding Fault With?

introspectionJust recovered from a mild fever that I caught on my way back from Russel’s mastermind AND I’m super excited about a bunch of ideas for new projects I’ve got, so I’ll make this post short and sweet.

Can you remember the last time you found fault with someone?

Come on, we ALL do it, even though we’d like to admit we don’t.

Now I’m NOT saying finding faults in other people is a good thing; you should definitely strive to always look for the best in people.

Here’s how to turn finding fault into a positive…

When you do find yourself finding faults in others realize that the faults you see in other people are likely faults you have yourself.

I’ve used this technique for years as a tool for introspection.


See and acknowledging your own faults is the first step towards self improvement.

LOL I know this is kinda deep, but hey, what better to follow the video of my trip to Hawaii.

Internet Lifestyle: 9 Days in Maui, Hawaii

Just finished the second day at Russel Brunson’s mastermind at Pirate’s Cove and Nevada and I gotta tell you it’s worth getting rich JUST so you can stay at a place like this and hang out with the AMAZING people I’ve gotten a chance to know in the last 2 days.

I feel like I’m on my 3rd (actually 4th) vacation for this summer. haha what a life! :)

Speaking of vacation I filling finished the video editing for the Maui trip Shilpi and I took. Check it out…

Would You Promote or FIRE yourself?

I wanted to do a short and sweet post today since it’s Sunday.

Here’s food for thought, imagine for a moment you were in this hypothetical scenario…

Your online business was really a part time job, and you’re an employee accountable to a boss. Where you had to show a certain amount of progress every week.

Now of course, you are your OWN boss. Based on the amount of effort your putting into your online business on a daily and weekly basis would you PROMOTE yourself or FIRE yourself.


Before you can ever lead other people and build a successful business you need to be able to lead YOURSELF.

Top 5 Ways to Be & Stay Dead Broke


When someone asks how the online business you started is going tell them you just didn’t have the time or money to make it work.

When someone points out that most successful people online today, including Amit had very little time and money when they start, get angry and defensive and say something like “Well, Amit is just LUCKY, he just sits at home making millions while other people do all the work!?!”

For more dramatic flair, point your finger at them and say “You have no idea what I’m going through. I’m stressed out at work; kids are driving me nuts, (insert your favorite excuse).”

Get livid, I mean really livid, and make sure they know ALL the reasons why you will always be dead broke.

Afterwards go to Blockbuster and rent out 10 movies for the weekend and then sit in front of the TV for next 4 hours because “I can’t cut that out, I need to RELAX!”


Never take responsibility for anything in your life. Make sure it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault why your life is screwed up.

Here’s a few easy targets to blame:

  1. “If you had parents like mine, you’d be broke too.”
  2. “My stupid company won’t give me a promotion because I refuse to work overtime. I’ll work overtime when they give me a promotion and start paying me a LOT more!?!”
  3. “My damn EX and those alimony payments!”
  4. “How can I save any money when those damn cigarette companies got me hooked and now I HAVE TO pay $8/pack.”
  5. My favorite : “How can you be anything but broke when those damn greedy blood sucking rich people are hoarding all the money. We need to tax the shit out of those bastards!”
  6. “If I didn’t have to pay so many taxes to the government then I wouldn’t be so broke!”
  7. “My wife won’t let me do anything.”
  8. “You kidding me, you try starting an online business with kids like mine.”
  9. “Because of my ethnicity (or skin color) I can’t make it in this country.”
  10. “I don’t have a college degree, I can’t expect to amount to much.”

Remember think victim, you’re being oppressed by outside forces you have no control over.
Don’t for a minute entertain the thought that YOU have 100% control over the outcome of your life and the results you manifest.


Don’t set goals or dream big, otherwise you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. You gotta get this CRAZY idea of getting rich OUT of your HEAD.


That’s right shoot low, very low so you’re not disappointed.

Just think about how shitty your life is right now, do you really think you’re gonna get rich?


Yeah Amit’s life was really shitty and he was dead broke, but he just got lucky. Not everyone can be lucky, now can they?

Here’s a few reasons why you should NOT start a business online:

  1. If you do that internet thing and it doesn’t work out, your friends will laugh at you. And even stop talking to you!
  2. Your wife may leave you, I mean family comes FIRST; you can’t take away from that on can you?
  3. You’ll be neglecting your children.
  4. You’ll lose money. You many go bankrupt. You should be saving that money for retirement.


Don’t take ANY risk. Stick your nose down and play it safe.

If you work REALLY hard for your company you may one day you’ll be able to retire with a nice pension. You only gotta bust your butt for 40 years, how bad could it be?

After all you gotta be REALISTIC. Not everyone can be a Bill Gates, who are you kidding! Don’t believe all this ‘The Secret’ mindset manifesting prosperity crap. If you wanna get rich you gotta be very lucky and have good connections.

You were born on the wrong sides of tracks….REMEMBER?

Listen, I don’t care if you see a killer real estate deal where you’re sure to make a fortune. DON’T DO IT…I mean what if something goes wrong, you COULD lose money. You can’t afford that, you need to save that money for your retirement.


When you’re evaluating a business or investment opportunity make sure to get the opinion of your friend and family, especially if they’re broke just like you. If they have any reservations about you starting your own business and getting rich, DON’T DO IT.

Follow Uncle Joe’s advice to the letter, who makes $35k/year and has been working for the same factor for the last 10 years.

Don’t read books by those rich people telling you how to succeed (after all they may have gotten rich just writing those books, who knows!).

Take advice from people at your level or lower. And don’t waste your money on those get rich quick real estate and internet marketing seminars, EVERYONE knows that THAT DOESN’T WORK….RIGHT?

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