I’m down with pinkeye today! Must have caught it while I was in Acadia National Park this last weekend in Maine (absolutely beautiful park by the way, highly recommended visiting).
So I’ll make this quick…
I want to talk about a critically important strategy when it comes to learning. The SCARY fact is most people have it all wrong.
Here’s what the typical newbie looking to make money online does:
- See an exciting product some guru is promoting.
- Buys the product thinking : “Oh this is GREAT. I may not do this now, but I should know it and I may need it in the future.”
- Goes through a few modules of the product then jumps on to the next hot product launch. Yeah, some people go through the ENTIRE product, but as I’m about to explain it doesn’t make much difference either way.
Sound eerily familiar to some of you?
Going through courses because “I might need ’em later” is called Just in Case Learning. You’re learning it (if you actually go through the course) just in case you might need it.
I’ll tell you right now if that’s your strategy for building your online business YOU’RE DEAD IN THE WATER.
All of the successful entrepreneurs that I’ve ever met (and little ‘ol me) use this strategy for learning…
When I purchase an IM product I have a VERY specific goal in mind, I want to learn a specific skill or strategy from that product that I need to learn in my business at that time.
For example, I went through Frank Kern’s Mass Control before Anik and I launched PPC Classroom 2.0 last Oct. I wanted to learn the specific product launch and selling strategy detailed in that course.
This is called Just in Time Learning, that is, learning a particular skill or strategy at the time you need it in your business.
This is a WAY more powerful way to learn because not only is the information fresh in your brain before you apply it, going through a IM product with the MINDSET and MOTIVATION of how you’re going to immediately apply the strategies to your business takes your learning to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
Plus, by immediately applying what you’ve just learned you hardwire the information into your brain. One of the best ways of learning something is doing it. Which is why you had to do homework in school!
The BEST way of really mastering something is teaching it, and that’s one of my motivations for doing this blog!