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Profit Swami Tactics & Strategies from a Self-Made Millionaire & Online Entreprenuer

Just in Time Versus Just in Case Learning

just in case learningI’m down with pinkeye today! Must have caught it while I was in Acadia National Park this last weekend in Maine (absolutely beautiful park by the way, highly recommended visiting).

So I’ll make this quick…

I want to talk about a critically important strategy when it comes to learning. The SCARY fact is most people have it all wrong.

Here’s what the typical newbie looking to make money online does:

  1. See an exciting product some guru is promoting.
  2. Buys the product thinking : “Oh this is GREAT. I may not do this now, but I should know it and I may need it in the future.”
  3. Goes through a few modules of the product then jumps on to the next hot product launch. Yeah, some people go through the ENTIRE product, but as I’m about to explain it doesn’t make much difference either way.

Sound eerily familiar to some of you?

Going through courses because “I might need ’em later” is called Just in Case Learning. You’re learning it (if you actually go through the course) just in case you might need it.

I’ll tell you right now if that’s your strategy for building your online business YOU’RE DEAD IN THE WATER.

All of the successful entrepreneurs that I’ve ever met (and little ‘ol me) use this strategy for learning…

When I purchase an IM product I have a VERY specific goal in mind, I want to learn a specific skill or strategy from that product that I need to learn in my business at that time.

For example, I went through Frank Kern’s Mass Control before Anik and I launched PPC Classroom 2.0 last Oct. I wanted to learn the specific product launch and selling strategy detailed in that course.

This is called Just in Time Learning, that is, learning a particular skill or strategy at the time you need it in your business.

This is a WAY more powerful way to learn because not only is the information fresh in your brain before you apply it, going through a IM product with the MINDSET and MOTIVATION of how you’re going to immediately apply the strategies to your business takes your learning to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

Plus, by immediately applying what you’ve just learned you hardwire the information into your brain. One of the best ways of learning something is doing it. Which is why you had to do homework in school!

The BEST way of really mastering something is teaching it, and that’s one of my motivations for doing this blog! :)

Secret of Financial Risk Management: Key to Building Long Term Wealth

Shilpi and I are headed to Acadia National Park up in Maine this weekend. We need a little vacation from city life and this is a perfect time to do it (except it’s a BIT cold right now!)

I decided to do a second video on risk management because it’s so freakin’ important that you get this right.

Here’s what you need to understand: there’s a BIG difference between making money and KEEPING it.

Disclaimer: I’m NOT a licensed financial advisor or attorney, seek professional advice before doing anything.

Watch this video now, comment and tell me what you think…

Critical Skill You MUST have to Get Rich

A lot of people DREAD learning this specific skill.

But it’s a skill you ABSOLUTELY MUST MASTER, if you want to get rich.

All is revealed in the video below….comment and tell me what you think.

Building Your Mental Muscle

physical and mental enduranceI’m BEAT right now. My personal trainer put me through the ringer.

I did lunges today (combined with a one handed shoulder press), and what got me was NOT my muscles.

I had the muscle strength.

My heart was pumping like CRAZY. I was completely out of breath.

What got me was my muscle ENDURANCE.

You see my trainer has me do less weight but more reps to build my endurance.

He’ll gradually increase the weights as well to build up my strength.

So what am I getting at here?

You need BOTH mental strength and mental endurance to achieve high levels of success. Just like you exercise your body you gotta exercise your mind.

So what exactly is the difference between mental endurance and mental strength?

Mental Strength
: Your ability to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and come up with creative ideas. This is a KEY skill for entrepreneurs. Think about it, are there more IMPORTANT skills for an entrepreneur than solving problems, overcoming obstacles and coming up with new ideas?

Mental Endurance : This is JUST as important if not MORE than having mental strength. Mental endurance is the ability to handle high levels of stress and responsibility.

It’s the ability to persevere in the face of failure.

It’s the ability to get BACK UP whenever you get knocked down.

It’s the ability to keep going when your mind is screaming “STOP! STOP! STOP!”

You could be a genius with vasts amounts of mental strength, but if you crack under pressure, when the going get a little tough, then you’ve LOST.

“Amit, this sounds great, I GET IT! But how do I build mental strength and mental endurance.”

Other than just staying consistent and building your business, there’s one meditation technology I’ve been using that has allowed me to DRAMATICALLY increase my mental endurance AND mental strength.

I’ve been using this technology for the last 3 years, consistently.

This technology not only increases your mental focus and creativity (mental strength) over time it increases your threshold for the amount of stress you can handle.

It’s called Holosync and it’s the MOST powerful technology I’ve ever used for personal growth. One word of warning though, this technology is SUPER powerful so be sure to follow the instructions EXACTLY and NOT use it for longer than the instructions indicate (I’m SERIOUS).

Little Known Secret to Getting Rich

hebavioral congruenceHope you had a happy labor day. I just got back from Atlanta. Shilpi and I spend the weekend with friends and enjoyed some barbecue. YUM!

I wanted to give you a quick yet thought provoking post today since I got a TON of work to do coming back from my trip.

I’ve talked a LOT about the importance of having the right mindset and attitude, and how that’s the key to being successful and getting rich.

We’ll there’s another school of thought on this. This is something I discovered from Dan Kennedy’s “No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs”.

This success strategy actually does NOT require having the right attitude or mindset at all.

It even has a funny name: behavioral congruence.

So what the heck is behavioral congruence? It’s actually VERY simple.

The idea is this: if you do what wealthy and successful people do, you will get the SAME results.

Don’t worry about having the same thoughts and attitudes as wealthy successful people, instead focus on modeling what they do on a daily, weekly and yearly basis.

When your habits, behaviors, and actions become CONGRUENT with what rich and successful people do you will manifest the same results.

Study what successful people do. Model your behavior after their’s as much as you can. If your goal is to build a successful online business that generates a residual income, then start studying the actions and habits of the individuals who have already done that.

“But Amit, what about your attitude and thoughts and all that? Doesn’t that matter? That’s what you’ve been telling us!?!”

Here’s the thing, if your habits and behaviors are congruent with rich and successful people then you will automatically start thinking like them and developing the same attitude.

Motion creates emotion.

It’s THAT simple.