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Profit Swami Tactics & Strategies from a Self-Made Millionaire & Online Entreprenuer

Listen “UP” an Important Lesson

Shilpi and I are getting ready to fly to Houston tomorrow morning. Shilpi’s best friend is getting married.

I’ll be hanging out at the in laws, meeting some friends, and enjoying some tex mex and barbeque. YUM!

And my mother in law is also an AWESOME cook (not to say Shilpi isn’t)!

Anyways we saw the movie “Up” yesterday and the beginning was kinda sad. Elie died before she and her husband achieved their dream of visiting and exploring South America.

Sadly this happens to TOO MANY people.
They dream of getting rich, retiring early, traveling the world, improving the quality of their life and NEVER get anywhere close to hitting their goals.


We’re all operating WAY below our full potential. If you live your whole life way below your potential you’ll grow old one day and regret everything you could have accomplished if only:

  1. You had take a little more risk.
  2. You had been ready and willing to seize opportunities when they came by.
  3. If you had realized that success is a journey and NOT a destination, you NEED to enjoy every moment of the process!
  4. If you had set goals and taken PERSISTENT and CONSISTENT action to achieve them, no matter what the obstacle.

You know what drove me to my success?

The fear of living a life of mediocrity, a life of insignificance.

A life of a steady pay checks and a 9 to 5 job.

A life of working in a boring job for 45 years only to die broke.

That’s was my BIGGEST nightmare.

If you don’t wanna live like that then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The definition of Hell is, at the end of your life, meeting the person you could have been if you had lived up to your true potential!

Internet Lifestyle: 10 Day Trip to Turkey!

My first couple posts have been a little on the heavy and serious side so I wanna shift gears with you on this one.

I truly feel BLESSED with the AWESOME lifestyle that this business has provided for me and my family.

Shilpi and I recently came back from an AMAZING 10 day trip to Turkey.

Going on vacation when you don’t have to worry about money, or how much anything costs is a TOTALLY different experience. We flew there Lufthansa business class, stayed at the top hotels, and had private custom tours the whole way through.

Check out this killer video I put together from our trip…

Retweet this post if you like it 😉

It’s NOT My Fault

“It’s NOT My Fault, It’s NOT My Fault, IT’S NOT MY FAULT!”

I thought this constantly when:

  • I was dead broke 6 years ago making $1277/month and unable to support my wife
  • When I failed reading in first grade and they put me in the “special” class (this is TRUE)
  • When I suffered through 3 brutal years straight of heart breaking business failures. And this happened BEFORE my 15 failed PPC campaigns that I always talk about.
  • Etc, Etc, Etc…

Of course, I thought NONE of this was MY fault!

I was a victim.

God, the universe, the world, was against me. (I’m sure you have never thought that.)


Why? Listen up…

Around my mid 20s I started getting heavily into self-development. I started reading some amazing books such as, “Think and Grow Rich,” “As a Man Thinketh,” “The Magic of Thinking Big” etc.

I had my first MAJOR turning point when I realized that I was 100% RESPONSIBLE for EVERYTHING that had happened to me and ultimately where I was in life right now.

The good, the bad, and the really UGLY – EVERYTHING!

“Amit in your last post you mentioned that in grade school, kids always gave you the pizza slice with the cheese ripped off every week. How could you say that was your fault?!?”

The fact is I attracted that through my thoughts, actions, and behaviors. The other kids NEVER got that cheeseless slice of pizza – ONLY ME.

I remember as a child being in tears and thinking, “Why was it ALWAYS me?”

Only many years later, in my mid 20s, did I come to the very hard to swallow truth that **I** was the CAUSE. I was the one person who was always at the scene of the crime.

At some level or another I had manifested it ALL.

I fought this idea for a long time. I thought my situation was different – sound familiar?

However, once I fully accepted that I was responsible for everything that happened to me and where I was today, I felt unbelievably EMPOWERED.

Seriously. I started to think differently and view the world differently.

I thought to myself, “If I’m responsible for how much my life sucks right now, then I have the POWER to turn it AROUND and create an AWESOME life!”

Now, if you watched “The Secret” and actually believed all that propaganda (I’ll get into that later!) then you may be asking, “Amit, did your life magically turn around after you realized that you were 100% responsible for everything?”

Hate to break this to you, but in the real world your life will almost never magically transform overnight. Although a lot of the “gurus” out there want you to believe that, along with going vegetarian and holding hands and singing songs together to heal your “heart.”

First off, going from thinking you’re a loser and a victim to someone who has the power to create his dream life was a process for me.

Let’s be honest, ranting to your friends about your trials and tribulations and getting loads of sympathy is a GREAT feeling.

There’s nothing easier than pointing your finger at someone or something else as a cause for all your problems.

So there I was at the age of 24, dead broke with a tiny room in an apartment I was sharing with 3 other grad students.

Of course, I was EXCITED because it was around that time I had realized that I was 100% responsible for everything that happened to me, so I had the power to change my future.

Taking 100% responsibility was the FIRST step; I still had to get a lot of things right on the inside, before I started seeing results on the outside.

Sadly, most people will NEVER make it to this first step of taking 100% responsibility for everything in their life, which is why most people are broke, unhappy, and living lives of quiet desperation.

Are YOU ready to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in YOUR LIFE?

So What’s All About?

index_avatarYou’re probably wondering what this blog is all about with such as strange name: “”!

Before I explain what this blog is about let me tell you a story…

Back in January of this year I was sitting at Bertucci’s Italian restaurant in downtown Boston.

I was with Anik Singal, my business partner, a few of our coaches, and about 20 other PPC Classroom students who had dished out $5,000 apiece to spend 2 days with us in an intense 2 day Workshop.

The waitress had just brought out some piping hot pizza and a few people were handing out slices. Boy, did it smell GOOD!

I happened to get a slice where some of the cheese had ripped off. I immediately requested another slice.

Several people around me looked at me funny, and Anik flat out said, “Amit, what’s the big deal. Your slice just had a little bit of cheese ripped off!”

Yeah, I was embarrassed, BIG TIME!

At the moment Anik made that comment, it hit me; I had a flashback to when I was 10 years old, back in grade school.

Every week in class they would have pizza day. And for whatever reason there was ALWAYS one slice of pizza that had all the cheese ripped off of it.

Guess who was given that slice EVERY SINGLE week?

As insignificant as it may seem now, I still remember how emotionally painful that was. And that’s why I asked for another slice of pizza at Bertucci’s– because it brought back that memory.

So here’s what my blog is about…

It’s about how a boy who faced constant rejection and abuse growing up went on to become a happily married multi-millionaire (by the age of 30), who’s 100% passionate about life and spends much of his time traveling the world.

It’s about a boy who was lonely and had very few friends, who’s considered by many to be a highly influential “guru” (don’t really like using that word but it best conveys what I’m trying to say) who’s been able to positively impact the lives of countless people, including friends and family.

In addition to sharing how I got to where I am now, and how I had to change, I will also share specific techniques and strategies you can use too:

  1. Effortlessly Create the Mindset  required to Make WAY more money,
  2. Specific Online Marketing and Business Tactics and Strategies to start  making real money, honestly and relatively quickly.
  3. and overall, how to create a really AWESOME life.

Why am I doing this?

To be honest, I was very reluctant to share all my success strategies with the world. I’ve been through a lot of SHIT that I’d rather not talk about. But after seeing so many people living a life of fear and quiet desperation, I had a change of heart.

Let’s face it; a lot of people are hurting right now, especially with the state of the economy. A lot of people feel they’re getting cheated out of their share of the “pie”, exactly like I felt when I was cheated out of my share of the pizza pie in grade school, week, after week, after week.

I hope my insights, experiences and advice can help you attract more prosperity in your life!